Flew to Malekula Sunday and met in Litslits with the BP and clerk in the Litslits church building. Found out that is where a missionary that helped us learn Bislama before we went on out mission had lived! I guess it wasn't a church then. Met a family that knew him and he called mama and papa. Thought he would like to see some pictures. They all said hello Elder.........
Next day we went to the house of the clerk to get some records. It is such a beautiful family complex right by the ocean. His wife is the Relief Society President.
Met with all 6 branch presidents separately as well as the district Presidency. Eight hours of meetings!
Had a little lunch with the Jollys at the only restaurant on town. $4.00 a plate....stake and fries!
Last morning before we flew home went with sister Jolly to a Relief Society meeting.