He sent the plans and some materials on a small boat to the island and then went himself to show them how it needed to be done.
We stayed four days and 3 nights. We met the Branch Presidents family and I gave them a pizza I had made and carried on the plane. They call it American laplap. President Jansing wanted them to taste it as I had him to dinner twice and had made it for him and he loved it!
The ladies taught me how to weave banana leaves for decoration for the ceremony.
After inspecting and doing a few final changes we headed for the guesthouse and it started to rain.
We had dinner....and it rained and rained and the wind blew and blew....
They made us feel very special. President Mahit spoke and Elder Williams spoke about the Woman at the well. wonderful!
Elder williams then cut the string cut and opened the way to the water tank and turned it on.
Immediately Dancers came from no where and the music began!
Very very cool! Iove this!!! Mi mi luvem Gaua mo olgeta memba long island ia. Hemi wan gudfala ples!!!